UCLA Extension Pre-Med and General Sciences Certificate students can apply to transfer up to two (2) courses to count towards their pre-med certificate.
The steps for applying to transfer to a course are:
Submit a formal request via email (hss@unex.ucla.edu) to the Math & Sciences unit
- Use the following subject line: Applying to transfer in (enter the course name & number) to replace (enter the UCLA Extension course name & number) Example: Calculus I, MATH 100 to replace MATH XL 31A
- Include a course syllabus (detailed course description)
- Upon submission, our team will review the course transfer request
- If the course is approved for transfer, our team will provide notification and further instructions on how to submit your official transcripts.
Request official transcript
- Follow up two weeks after request to verify that we have received it
- Upon receipt of the official transcript and verification of enrollment in the certificate program, our staff will add the transferred course to the certificate profile
Notes: If you are interested in transferring course/s, your three-year certificate timeline would start the date those transferred courses were taken. For example, if you took Chemistry in Fall 2021 (September– December 2021) and your transfer it in, you would only have until Summer 2024 to complete all of your certificate requirements.
Please be aware that if the course is approved to be transferred, any course/s that are considered prerequisites of that transferred course cannot be taken with UCLA Extension.
Transferred courses do not appear on your UCLA Extension transcripts; transferred courses will only give you Advanced Standing in courses and will decrease the number of courses required to complete the certificate.